Thursday, 25 June 2015

Elysian Wonderland by Stuart Ayris

There's one guarantee with any novel by Stuart Ayris - it will always make me smile. Ayris is never a preacher but always a guru. Elysian Wonderland is like a fairy tale for adults.  Alice in Wonderland if you like for the tired, cynical and jaded. Stuart would be the first to admit that he keeps no strict narrative or structure to his novel, he makes up words, throws in rhyme and the result is somehow...magical.

In his latest offering a married couple worn down by the grind of normal, boring everyday life seek out a little excitement, an adventure in order to rekindle their lost spark. What they find is their inner child along with swearing hedgehogs, chain smoking gurus, a magical chef and a strange old man who cries black tiers. In short the usual Ayris magic, as I call it.

Good humour and sharp observation can be found throughout this novel alongside Stuart's true gift of making a tall tale truly entertaining. You can find the magic if you read this book with an open mind and a loving heart. Keep on keeping on Mr. Ayris you sir are a legend.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

News From the Clouds by Robert Llewellyn

I have been looking forward to the third instalment in the trilogy for ages. In this novel Gavin Meckler finds himself once more in a strange and futuristic world. Imagine a world where the surface is deadly and uninhabitable.  Winds of up to five hundred miles an hour and huge storms that are tens of kilometres wide daily sweep the surface of the Earth. What option would mankind have but to live underground or in the sky? They choose to do both. 

All of the books in this fantastic series cover ecological issues and without ever preaching. You will find Llewellyn's writing is thoughtful and civilised from the outset. There is no excessive language, sex or violence. Just an interesting and intelligent narrative exploring not only the larger issues that face us all but Gavin’s own personal journey to get in touch with his emotional side. 

There’s a gentle touch to the author’s work that is not often found and very appealing. Like Pratchett and Adam’s it seems quintessentially British. Perhaps the best compliment I can give Llewellyn is that I could imagine Gavin Meckler in a dressing gown bumbling around much like Arthur Dent! This trilogy was a thoroughly entertaining read with depth, heart and a subtle moral message. More of the same please Robert!