Monday 6 October 2014

The Search For Ethan by Robert Cowan

One of the things I enjoy about this fantastic indie publishing era is that you can come across a little gem  of a novel like this around every corner.  It's not been clinically edited to death, like a fine piece of vinyl there are hisses and crackles but you enjoy it more for those idiosyncrasies than a clipped and cold digital recording.

Searching for Ethan is a charming novel full of warmth, humour and real character. The author, like myself, enjoys adding cultural references of music and film to his work. This is the kind of novel that would make a great film in the vein of Rita, Sue and Bob, Too or Raining Stones. The characters are reminiscent of Roddy Doyle's chancers and layabouts.

It's fair to say there are some very sad moments but a smile is never very far away in this character driven tale. A story of best friends, of love and a coming of age novel. A very enjoyable read that I didn't want to end.

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